Thursday, September 6, 2007

Justice is Absurd

Let's think about "justice" for a second. A person kills another human being. Then that person is "prosecuted" for doing that. Ok, it's nice that we seek revenge. Errrr.... yeah. But when you think of it, what is the point? Prosecuting people won't bring back the person who died, will it? And while we can potentially remove those people from society, even permanently, we often just let them go on "parole", at which point they simply go back to society and kill more people. Makes sense, doesn't it? No.

Regardless of murders and other crazy senseless crimes, there are crimes that are never "solved" or prosecuted, for completely absurd reasons. For instance, a guy named OJ Simpson, who killed his pregnant wife. He simply moved to a different place, and he is still free. Or people like Paris Hilton, who drove drunk several times and repeatedly ignored orders to stop driving under the influence, and almost got away with 2 days in prison while any poor person on her situation would have had much worse.

Justice is a commodity. Sadly enough. If you have enough money you can buy justice. You can hire several lawyers to help you steer the case on your behalf. You can even hire lobbyists to change the law so that you can get away with your crimes.

Sadly, and absurdly enough, that rule is not limited to corporeal persons. Under the law, corporations, which are essentially incorporeal business organizations, are considered "persons" and have all of the rights of all "persons". However, corporations don't have all the obligations that we, humans, have. They cannot be incarcerated. So they keep committing crimes and getting away with it because they have money- and money IS POWER.

Despite the fact that corporations are the most criminal entities on the planet, they are strictly protected by the government and by the law in several ways. They rule the world THEIR way.

There's no "justice". Justice is a concept. A concept that can be sold by governments for the profit of their leaders. A concept that can be used to control entire populations, so that the elite can stay in power and rule over the "democracy". A concept that can be used to fear monger people, so that they can keep quiet and never question the ways of the elite. And, unfortunately, justice is only ONE of the concepts the elite use to control the population.

"Justice" is an absurd concept. Unless, of course, it doesn't involve oil. Right? No.

The following is a list of the top 10 corporate lawsuits:

1) F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Type of Crime: AntitrustCriminal
Fine: $500 million

2) Daiwa Bank Ltd.
Type of Crime: Financial
Criminal Fine: $340

3) BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $225 million

4) SGL Carbon Aktiengesellschaft (SGL AG)
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $135 million

5) Exxon Corporation and Exxon Shipping
Type of Crime: Environmental
Criminal Fine: $125 million

6) UCAR International, Inc.
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $110 million

7) Archer Daniels Midland
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $100 million

8)(tie) Banker's Trust
Type of Crime: Financial
Criminal Fine: $60 million

8)(tie) Sears Bankruptcy Recovery Management Services
Type of Crime: Fraud
Criminal Fine: $60 million

10) Haarman & Reimer Corp.
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal fine: $50 million


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